Posts have been a little slow since last week... but with good reason!
That's my baby brother and his super adorable new wife! Since my husband wasn't able to get the time off work, my sister and I drove out together with our sons, and it was so nice to be able to be there!
Here Matthew and I are freezing our butts off, but it was worth it! The reception out here in Washington isn't for a few weeks still, which is good because I'm making the wedding cake and cookies for the reception... and I haven't 100% planned it out yet. I should get on that.
While I was gone there was a baby shower for a friend I've known since high school! I hated to miss it, and really wanted to do something for it. Then I saw the adorable theme: cookies & milk. Um....PERFECT? I ended up making some little milk bottles with straws, and I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures of them because I was in such a rush to get them done and pack for my trip at the same time! Luckily Merilee got a shot of them for me, and check out the rest of the cute baby shower here!
Ok can I just say... where do I get one of these cake plates for myself!?
Anyway that's my quick update, it has been a very busy week and a half, but hopefully life will be calming down again soon. I've got some more cookies and another great recipe to share with you, hopefully before the week is out!