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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

conversation hearts - kid's edition

Valentine's Day is almost here and over a month ago I drew up lots of cookie ideas... and then never had a chance to actually make any. Matthew really wanted to make Valentines this year though, so I came up with a simple idea for him... conversation heart cookies!

 We cut out some heart and frosted them in red, and then I let Matthew pick out the sayings. Then with a black food marker he wrote out his Valentine messages (and I have to say, for a kid who only just turned 4 I think his handwriting is pretty good)!

Then he wrote out the names in his Valentines... he chose Avengers, of course! He is obsessed with the Avengers right now.

Lastly we sealed them in bags and stapled a cookie to the back of each card. So easy to do, and he is so proud that he did the work himself! And these could easily be adapted to something other than a cookie... pretty much anything the food pens will write on. Maybe I'll try chocolate next time!

So these may be the only Valentine cookies I get around to making this year, but I love them. So proud of my boy, maybe one of these days I'll be posting his own cookie designs!

And in case I don't get another post in...

Happy {early} Valentine's Day!


  1. Way cute and yes amazing writing skills too, you are justified in being proud of him! What a good mamma you are!

  2. Oma & Opa loved ours, thank you Matthew!
